Be More…Be Better

I want to be more. I want to be more than some boring post adolescent stuck in her hometown. I want to be more. I want to be able to pick up my stuff and go somewhere else. To start a new. I don’t want to run from who I was, I want to become more of who I should be. I want to sit down and write the novel that I’ve always said I would. I want to be inspired to go further instead of just waiting on the sidelines. I want to live life. Why is it so hard to live life? There’s supposed to be a time in your life when it’s easy to be who you are…never mind that’s not right. There’s always people who want you to fit into a box, a category, and we find ourselves stepping into one box after another after another until we become so confined by the limits of these boxes that we forget what our true potential was in the first place. Potential is a bit of a funny word because in the end it represents a chance, a whim, something that can’t be taken away because most people choose never to embrace it. So ask me what I want out of my life this year. I want more. I want to become someone. I want to be a person not just a potential. I want to be full. I want to be whole. I want to be different!

Fractured Me

I usually don’t post these things, but maybe a bit of a new direction. Both real and observant is what’s in store for this new year.

Can’t I get this out

This pressure inside me

Like warm wet walls

Slipping and sliding

Into land mines

Into suffering

Am I more than this?

A shadow of a teenage self

Just as broken as I am now

On the outside

I am a solid

I am true

On the outside

I’m a good daughter

But on the inside

I’m a liar

A cheat

A tarnished innocent

So here I am

Torn from the outside

The tear

Only visible from the inside

Will I rise or fall?

Will it all end…before

Before I become different

Before I become whole

Before I become me

Top Ten Guys Everyone Dates

We’ve all dated duds and studs, and these are a mix of both. Honestly there are more duds than studs because of all the guys you date only one really matters in the end. Enjoy a list of guys that categorize most, if not all, of the types of men that are out there to date.

  1. The Nice Guy: This guy is completely nice without an ounce of adventure or bad boy in him. He’s buttoned downed, kind to his parents, never makes the first move, and goes to church every Sunday without being forced too. He’s the guy you date because he’s exactly what you want or because a nice guy sounds good after a hot and sexy one screws you over. I would say you are most likely to marry a nice guy, but you are also likely to divorce him ten years later and run off with a hot construction worker.
  2. The Artsy Guy: This guy may be an artist or a musician or just a little too hipster. He’s chill about everything to a point where you wonder if he even cares. He seems more passionate about his art or music then he is about you. This is the guy you’ll end up breaking up with. Either he will break up with you because you are overly needy or you’ll break up with him because you are tired of asking him to pay attention to you.
  3. The Momma’s Boy: Unfortunately guys like this are more common than not. At first this is endearing then it slowly becomes weird. It’s one thing to love your mother, but it’s another thing to bring her on your dates whether this is in person or in spirit. This includes calling her during a date. When you are talking to your boyfriend during a date and he stops talking to you to answer a call from his mother I would run away.These types of guys are usually like babies and rely too much on their parents. If you haven’t experienced this type of guy count yourself lucky.
  4. The Player: This is the guy who no matter he has “changed” he still has dozens of girls phone numbers in his phone which he claims he never uses. Sometimes this type of guy can go to the extreme and become a cheater, but he always turns around on you and convinces you that you are being paranoid. This guy is usually a big flirt and says he can’t help it that’s just how he is. Reality check: he can.He always call you by a pet name like baby or honey and you think this is sweet when in reality he’s just making sure he doesn’t call you the wrong name.  These guys are fun to date for a short period of time because they make you feel special but you realize he has said this to dozens of girls already and this thing will never be long term. 
  5. The Metrosexual: These guys usually take longer to get ready and they are a bit more emotional. They dress better than the average male by far. Some of these guys can be over the top feminine to where the sexuality definitely comes into question. 
  6. The Possessive Guy: This guy starts off really nice and the attention he gives you seems really sweet at first. Then you start to notice something is off. His sweet texts become more and more demanding. He wants to know where you are, who you are with, and what you are doing all the time. Don’t even think about having any guy friends he will think you are insanely jealous and cheating on him. He tries to alienate you from everybody and rely on him. Be careful of these types of guys even if you think he is just “taking care” of you he could become violent.
  7. The Adventurous Guy: This guy loves the outdoors. He loves hiking, camping, and going on adventures. He even can be a daredevil at times. Overall, this guy is so much fun to be with and can definitely be a keeper. Beware if you aren’t an outdoorsy girl you’ll end up getting roped into out door activities so if you aren’t outdoorsy or adventurous then stay away.
  8. The Goofball: This guy is hilarious. You’ll always have fun with him. He can make you laugh at everything. Sometimes he will have trouble being serious which is frustrating. He can also be a little bit of a kid, but that doesn’t go for all of the goofballs just some of them. 
  9. The Non-Conformist:  This guy doesn’t care about anything. He says he’s not into “labels”. He can’t commit to anything. He has no desire to be in a relationship where he’s expected to be a “boyfriend”. He’ll leave or just stop talking to you one day and then come back like nothing ever happened. 
  10. The Poser: This guy always have some new hobby that they think they are going to get good at and gonna be famous. When they can’t do it they move one. They are more worried about fame and fortune then actually being in a relationship even if they have no talent. 

Most Obnoxious Types of Waiters

Anyone who hasn’t lived in a cave since forever has been to a restaurant with waiters. Most of the time you get good people who are just trying to earn a living. Then you get the other. The most obnoxious, most annoying people who seem to want to do the least amount of work.  We have experience with serving and busting tables and all that goes with it so before you get mad about this blog just understand this comes from a place of frustration both as the customers being served and the co-workers who have to pick up the slack. So these are the main types we’ve found to be profoundly annoying. In no particular order:

  • The Overly Attentive Waiters: These are the ones who are constantly pouring drinks. Trying to ask you every five seconds if you have everything you need. In a normal situation this isn’t a big deal, but when you’re in a social setting it can get very annoying if you are trying to talk to your friends and someone is constantly interrupting.
  • The Overly Talkative Waiters: These tell you their whole life story in a few seconds. Throughout the whole meal they keep adding stuff on. I don’t need to hear about your problems with your ex-boyfriend. Just bring me a Coke!
  • The Uninformed Waiter: These waiters don’t know the specials and they have to go back and talk to their manager or other waiters asking about different specials. Even if they are new they act like they’ve literally never read the menu before.
  • The Vanishing Waiter: The one you see at the beginning of your meal and don’t see them agains till the end of the meal. You spend most of your time asking other waiters for refills. Till this day we don’t know where some of our waiters went during the meal.
  • The Forgetful Waiter: The waiter who forgets everything you ask them for. You ask them for a refill multiple times yet they still never come back to fill it. They also have a tendency to mess up your original order and you end up with red meat on a vegetarian entree. This begs the question of whether or not they were just doodling when they pretended to write down your order.

Top Ten People We All Work With

Please enjoy this list of the people we all work with. This is based on years of experience and several different workplaces.

  1. The Tattle-Tale. The people that every mistake you make they tell to the boss to make themselves look better even when they’ve been doing the same thing
  2.  The Gossiper. This person tells everybody everything. Word to the wise, never, EVER, EVER tell anything to your co-workers that you don’t want the person you are talking about to know, unless the person you are gossiping to is a really close friend that you trust.
  3. The Nosy Nelly. These people are always in the middle of everything. They have to know who’s doing what even when it takes them from their own work.  If you want to avoid becoming this person stay out of peoples’ business, it only creates more trouble, and you don’t need to have beef with the people you work with.
  4. The Chatty Cathy. Make sure you don’t talk more than you work especially if you are part of a team because eventually people are going to start hating you for talking instead of doing your work. This only creates more drama. See number 1.
  5. The Complainer. Everyone complains a little, but there’s always one that only complains and never stops. They complain even when they could fix their problem by shutting up and taking care of it. You have a job. Be grateful. If the job is really that bad then quit complaining to me about it and quit! Obviously, if you are coming into work everyday then the job can’t be that bad.
  6. The Perfectionist. This person is not necessarily a butt-kisser (we’ll talk about that next), but they do every single thing by the rules even after they’ve been there for a couple years. It usually takes this person twice as long as it to do something that would take you five minutes. They are usually very nice (most of the time), but they’re not very social because they are caught up doing everything perfectly.
  7. The Butt-Kisser. No one likes this person not even their friends. It’s not like their work is even great it’s pretty mediocre, but their nose is so far shoved up the boss’s rear that it makes people (namely the boss) that they are a hard worker. When the boss isn’t their you find that you work way harder than them.
  8. The Work Best Friend. You have so much fun with this person that it hardly seems like work when you are together. Sometimes you have so much fun together it makes it hard to work. You spend a lot of time laughing together.
  9. The Work Mom. She’s the mother hen of the group. She’s usually much older and she treats you like you’re her own kids.
  10. The Eye Candy. Whether you are a guy or a girl reading this there’s almost always an insanely gorgeous/handsome individual that works with you and you like to look at them all day. Not in the creepy way just in the normal I have a crush on this person kind of way.

Top Ten Things Not To Do When You Start Dating

Dating is one of the most unpredictable, exciting, and horrible experiences people can have. Ranging from finding forever with someone to finding a friend who will make up an emergency so you can get out of it. However, the first couple weeks of dating there are some things we just don’t think anyone should do. Feel free to add or correct us, but this is just based on our experiences and our friends.

  1. Say “I love you”. Unfortunately we know more than one person who has said, “I love you” in the first two weeks and it just makes you look desperate and needy. Honestly, as a girl, I don’t even like being the one to say it first. Girls are more emotional and it’s easier for us to express our feelings and it’s easier for guys to hide theirs. So my personal opinion is to let him say it first so it’s actually something he feels and not just a gut reaction. However, if he says it in the first two weeks I’d run away before he takes you to the pit he keeps in his basement.
  2. Reveal disgusting habits. Just keep them all to yourself. This means no farting or burping. No one is lily-white, everyone has at least one. However, I would rather pretend I fart daisies for the first few months then become some disgusting date horror story that he later tells his guy friends when he stops calling you.
  3. Plan your wedding. If you don’t listen to this advice I can guarantee he will run in the opposite direction. If he doesn’t then there is something wrong with him too.
  4. Meet the family. Way too soon to even be asking to meet the parental units. I’m not talking about accidental meetings, but you yourself better not plan or ask to meet anyone in his family. If you ask a guy this he’s going to think you are planning your wedding and once again he will RUN!
  5. Try to dress your man. It’s one thing when you’ve been dating for a while and say why don’t you wear this or try this tie or you buy them a shirt for their birthday. However, if you are telling him what to wear in the beginning then you might as well stop looking at your phone because he isn’t calling back.
  6. Be clingy. You haven’t been dating long don’t unleash your inner cling monster. Being clingy in the first couple weeks will just make him realize what an insecure, neurotic control freak you really are, and not only will he run, but he’ll probably tell every guy he knows to run too!
  7. Name your kids. You might be saying that no one does this. I wish that were true. I’ve known people who are already writing their names with his last name and trying to pick the kids’ names that go best with his last name. Are you trying to be labeled the Tri-State Area Cray? Do not even utter the word kids to guy until well until you have to. So basically when you are engaged you’ll be in the clear.
  8. Let yourself go. I know that sweat pants and no makeup and being comfortable is something that is quite normal to do even when you go out, but not in the first couple weeks of dating. You are supposed to dress nice to impress your man. These might seem a little against feminism, but your man is most likely not a feminist he wants to see that you care enough to look good. Would you like to go out with a slob?
  9. Be controlling.  This kind of goes along with being clingy, but you can be controlling without being clingy. Even if you’re not sure you like a restaurant, go to into anyways. You don’t pick the restaurant, or tell him how to drive, or tell him when your next date is. Guys like to be in control, at least in the beginning, and once you know each other if he is still ignoring what you want then I’d dump him, but until then be his date and not his mother.
  10. Be jealous. This is probably the number one way to make a man run. Being clingy is one thing because he can ignore you, but when you see him talking to a girl and you go off on him or her then he’s not going to be around long. No one wants to be with someone who makes them miserable.

Creepy Things! Deep Thoughts!

This is basically about stuff, mostly everyday stuff, that gets creepier and more disgusting the more you think about it. In classic fashion we have compiled a list and honestly even writing this gives me the shivers. Comment if you can think of anything else! 🙂

  • Hair – The fact that your hair is dead. The only new hair growth is at your scalp. So basically even when you’re washing your hair you’re washing dead skin cells. Ewww!
  • Dust – The fact that 70% of the dust flying around is the dead skin cells of you and your fellow earth dwellers!
  • Restaurant Ice – They say ice cubes from restaurants are just as dirty as toilet water! This is why I never get ice!!!!
  • School Desks – School desks have more bacteria than a toilet seat! Yep, that’s right people you’re better lickinga  toilet seat than licking a desk!
  • Eye Boogers – They are really dust and crud that your eye has rejected.
  • Public Pools – How many people have peed in your public pool in your lifetime? So the next time you take a mouthful of pool water and spit it at some one playfully just remember you’re basically drinking urine! Hello, public urine bath!
  • Bowling Shoes/Balls – No amount of deodorizer and anti-bacterial spray can fix how many peoples feet have been in those shoes or fingers in those holes.
  • Honey – Honey is basically just bee vomit…need I say more.

And these are just the things we could think about! During summer there is just too much time to think!

Movies That Made Way Too Many Sequels!

Okay so there are movies and you love them and they usually a crummy sequel and then sometimes they decide to turn it into a trilogy and that movie is a lot better. However, lately every movie that even does a little good at the Box Office must become a franchise according some man law from the movie execs. We aren’t saying that all these movies aren’t good, but some of them really sucked and it really is better to have a really good sequel than a franchise of mediocre films. We are including some movies that just never should have had a sequel at all! PS We are children of the ’90s so if you don’t know some of these movies just be grateful!

  • Paranormal Activity – This was a cash cow. They just wanted more money and everything got increasingly worse.
  • The Mummy – This series probably had one of the best sequels, but nothing ruins a movie like when the third film switches the main actress. YOU CAN’T SWITCH THE MAIN ACTOR OR ACTRESS! It will never WORK!
  • Transformers – Just too many. Plus stories got dumber as time went on.
  • Scary Movie – The first couple were funny! They just got really dumb and pointless and basically became a summer job for like C class actors.
  • Scream – First one was good! The second one wasn’t bad, and even though the story did tie together in the third one but was the third one necessary. Plus fourth one! I’m pretty sure that was just an excuse for blood and cussing!
  • Sandlot – Sandlot 2 really sucked!
  • Tremors – Before some of your time, but by the third one you’re just asking why these people don’t move!
  • Like Mike – Only a sequel we know but a horrible one!
  • Beethoven – First two movies were good, but now they are trying to turn Beethoven in Air Bud by having his kids in movies.
  • Cinderella Story – First one was good (Thank you, Chad Michael Murray), second one not bad, but by the third  I was wondering why can’t you people get away from poor girl who falls in love with the rich and popular guy. If you are trying to make a story better than Romeo and Juliet it will never happen!
  • Honey I Shrunk The Kids – You think they would learn after they shrunk their kids not to stand by a shrinking machine or keep it in your attic.
  • Bring It On – Loved the first movie. One of the worse sequels ever, but while a few weren’t bad after this there were just too many. It was a Cheerquel Tragedy.
  • Miss Congeniality – Second one was horrible! Enough said!
  • Jurassic Park – Only the first one! That’s all we are saying!
  • Step Up – Recycling stories doesn’t work. Especially after the third one!
  • The Fast and the Furious – I honestly love all these movies except the second one. However, all the sequels were really unnecessary.
  • Spy Kids – When we were kids this was awesome! By the time we grew up they had destroyed it by its 4th installment.
  • Die Hard – Lets tell the same story over and over again just with his wife, daughter, and son. Not bad movies just completely stupid making so many!
  • Indiana Jones – I only really like the Temple of Doom and Raiders of the Lost Ark wasn’t bad, but the fourth one ruined the whole franchise.
  • Home Alone – I will never understand movies that end up using different main characters in their sequels.
  • Nightmare on Elm Street – Too many! Just too many!
  • Jaws – How many super big, man-eating sharks can there possibly be!
  • Lion King – The story with the first one was fine there was no need to make a sequel that did the typical sequel thing where you change the sex of the main character who always happens to be the daughter son or niece or nephew of either the bad guy or the old main character.
  • The Mask – The first one was hilarious and worth watching. The second one was useless, the characters were stupid, and the mask looked completely dumb! Plus there was no Jim Carrey. He made the Mask! There was no Mask without Jim Carrey.
  • Spiderman – We are split on this one! But they could have stopped after the first. For some reason though everyone feels that superhero movies must have sequels.
  • Land Before Time – Awesome when we were kids now I see children watching Land Before Time 14. Seriously people gain some creativity to step outside the box!
  • Grease -This sequel was so horrible it had to be on the list!
  • X-men – We honestly argue over whether the first three or these last two are better, but in the end we both agree that there are too many.
  • Hangover – There never should have been a third one!
  • Pirates of the Caribbean – Johnny Depp you rock, but was these were the movies that would never end!
  • High School Musical – Way too many! Stupid!
  • Halloween – The first one was good, but then as it went on she was a professor teacher woman and she had a kid that was a teenager so Michael had to be forty or fifty. You can’t really tell me that a 50 year old is still going to be chasing the same girl! And lets please talk about the fact that he always walk but he gets to places before everyone else! Physically impossible. Dumb! Dumb! Dumb!

And these are the exceptions! Where all the sequels totally made sense! Basically even if the movies weren’t epic they were still needed! Most of these are Book Exceptions where franchises are necessary!

  • Harry Potter – Book exception!
  • Twilight – For all you haters I’m not saying the movies were amazing, but they were necessary to the overall story arc!
  • Lord of the Rings – Book exception plus I could watch the third movie like 20 times in a row!
  • Saw – There were a million of these but they were all tied together in the end! Ps I, Chloe, hate these movies, but Bridget loves them!
  • The Hunger Games – Book exception!